Republicans need to calm down

By Randy Evans

Yes, the re-election of President Barack Obama is the end of a contentious 2012 election cycle. No, it is not the end of the Republican Party. Republicans need to just calm down.

Yes, voters let President Obama keep the keys to the White House, but they did not give him the checkbook. The place where all spending must start (the U.S. House of Representatives) remains in Republican … Read more...

Ignorance and Selfishness: Foolish Traits of the American Electorate and How to Overcome them

By: Jerry Kotyuk

My conclusion from the election results is simply this…

50% of our fellow Americans are either woefully ignorant, foolishly selfish, or both.

That is, they are ignorant of American history and heritage, also of economics and capitalism; and/or they are selfish in voting for goodies for themselves, without regard for the good of the nation, or even of the future for their children and grandchildren. Now that … Read more...

The States and Obamacare (The Affordable Care Act)

By: Michael Opitz

Our nation is in serious jeopardy of collapse and take over by those who would destroy us. We have placed ourselves in this position by ignoring the warning signs over the past 40 years. It has happened slowly, but now the pace has quickened as the end game approaches. The left with help from many on our side who have been intimidated by the allegation that we Read more...