The Craziness Going On In Our World: How Do You Process It?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Are you as mystified or exasperated as to the irrationalities going on in America and around the world?  Does any of it make sense?  How do you wrap your arms around the wars, rocketing to Mars when millions are starving on Earth, and men injecting themselves into women’s sports?  How do you watch $200 billion being shipped off 9,000 miles away to Ukraine to fight a war that’s reported to have killed 1,000,000 young men on both sides— while America features millions in poverty and 774,000 homeless at last count?  

Why do you figure American taxpayers send billions to Israel to protect them from Muslim aggression, but U.S. AID has been sending millions to support Islamic terrorism in the Middle East? That nasty little bit of news was reported on numerous networks by DOGE. In other words, we American taxpayers are getting screwed by the unelected bureaucrats working for U.S. AID—every which way but loose!

What about the fact that our ghettoes feature children who cannot read or write, and are functionally illiterate upon reaching the age of eighteen?  Thus, we house 45,000,000 illiterate Americans.  What’s reasonable about that?  Why hasn’t that nightmare been solved with viable solutions?

How is it that one president shut down the borders within 30 days of taking office while the former president invited 12 to 15 million illegal aliens to violate our borders—while he paid for their transport, hotels, phones, medical and food—on your billions of taxpayer dollars?  And he got away with it!  How is it that dozens of governors and mayors could provide unlawful “Sanctuary Cities” to support those 15 million border violators, and they get away with it?

Why would California Governor Gavin Newsom pass a $25 million taxpayer-funded bill to protect his 3 to 4 million illegal aliens in his state?  It’s clearly against every law on the books.

How is it that we allow Middle Eastern students visas to enjoy our incredible universities of higher learning, but allow them to riot and scream out, “Death to America”?   Why aren’t they arrested and deported immediately?

How is it that some knot-head elected official in Congress dreamed up WOKE, Transgenders in the military, D.E.I. injected into the most important positions, and C.R.T. implementation with no ideas as to the consequences?

When you watch the news at night, whether you are a democrat, republican, Independent or don’t care—we watch one insanity after another continue into the next insanity.

For instance, according to an NPR report, we have tossed 170 trillion pieces of plastic into our oceans in the past 60 years since chemists invented it.  We’ve done NOTHING to stop tossing it into our oceans.  Reports show we dump 8,000,000 pieces of plastics into our oceans daily in 2025.  There are NO coordinated recycling programs worldwide!  Every country in the world ignores those plastics while they destroy the ecology of the oceans.  Those plastics kill countless millions of marine life. Those plastics have broken down into tiny pieces that fish ingest, so that when we eat ocean-going fish, we are eating our own oil via plastics. Those plastics inhabit the ocean floor, float on the waves, contaminate our delicate reefs and beaches around the world.

You would think the leaders of the world would gather together…and create an international 50 cent deposit/return law for all plastics, glass and metal containers.  Because if they don’t, we’re looking at doubling from 170 trillion pieces of plastic to 240 trillion pieces of plastic.  What happens when there are more pieces of plastic in our oceans than fish, turtles, whales, sharks, et al.?   Do you see how completely irresponsible the human race is toward its own planet?  

Along with that nightmare, since 1990, as reported by Life Magazine, “Predator Becomes Prey”, we have been killing 100,000,000 sharks annually.  And, with no letup in sight!  We’re wrecking the ecology of the oceans, but you never hear about it on the news or in documentaries on major networks.  It’s like if we bury the facts, maybe they will vanish so we don’t have to worry about them.  But of course, the FACTS will come back to bite us in our collective rear-ends.

At the same time, we’re spending billions of dollars to rocket to the moon and Mars. I saw the movie, Ad Astra, starring Brad Pitt, where he rockets to the moon, and then off to Mars to find his father. Who, by the way, had lost his mind somewhere out near Saturn on a space journey.  On the moon, all the concrete bunkers showed pictures of plants and animals on Earth.  When Pitt arrived at the concrete bunker on Mars, more pictures of Earth’s wild places.  So, what’s the point of spending billions/trillions to colonize Mars when we don’t give a damn about our planet here on Earth.  And, anyway, who wants to live on a rock-planet?  Answer: 99.9999 percent of the human race would choose living on our green Earth!

When I worked in Antarctica years ago, an artist named Schimmel painted a beautiful portrayal of the life on the ice. He had painted the devastation of locations around the world. He said, “With a species like humans, even the stars aren’t safe.”

Yes, I’ve written about this insanity many times, but again, what kind of deranged mind supports biological men beating the crap out of biological women in women’s sports?  That’s got to be the most incredible insanity of the 21st century.  How do you process it when you know it’s wrong, it’s nuts, it violates rational thinking, and it’s completely off the wall—CRAZY?   And yet, you see female governors like in Massachusetts supporting it! You see biological men who dominate the NCAA—-supporting it.  Who votes for such stupidity?  Let’s face it, for a biological male to stand on a podium with a trophy ment for a women’s competition—illustrates a special kind of mental illness.

Another insanity beats the heck out of me: supporting over 20 to 30 million illegal aliens who violated our borders with hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to support them—-when our ghettoes simmer and explode with killings, illiteracy, drugs and futility. How do you wrap your mind around that one?  What kind of a Congressional Critter voted to allow such insanity?  Fact: the rest of the world adds 83,000,000 (million) new babies, net gain, annually.  Most of them will become refugees who dream to move to America, Canada and Europe. How can we save them all?  We can’t!   Fact: we already import 1,000,000 legal refugees from around the world, annually.  It’s a drop in the bucket, and, it does nothing to alleviate the world’s overpopulation crisis—now at 8 billion—headed for 9 billion in the next 12 years.  Mark my words: this human invasion will ultimately drive America into an unsustainable future as we add another 100,000,000 people by 2050…that will end in collapse of our civilization.  It’s that simple and that harsh.

My former colleague at the University of Colorado, Dr. Albert Bartlett said, “Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.”  

Read the book:  Blip: Humanity’s 300 Year Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism by Christopher O. Clugston. By 2050, we will have run out of all our non-renewable resources, specifically, OIL! 

Here’s the final kicker that every news network avoids, but it’s coming:  “As we go from this happy hydrocarbon bubble we have reached now, to a renewable energy resource economy, which we must do in this century, will the “civil” part of civilization survive?  As we all know, there is no way that alternative energy sources can supply the amount of per capita energy we enjoy, now,  much less for the 9 billion people expected by 2050. And energy is what keeps this game going.  We are involved in a Faustian Bargain—-selling our economic souls for the luxurious life of the moment, but sooner or later, the price must be paid.”  Walter Younquist, Energy


This quote gives a clear picture of what we face:  “At this point,  it’s almost certainly too late to manage a transition to sustainability on a global or national scale, even if the political will to attempt it existed, which it clearly does not.  Our civilization is in the early stages of the same curve of decline and fall as with so many others that have gone before.  What likely lies in wait for us is a long, uneven decline into catastrophic starvation, violence and chaos, a new Dark Age, from which, centuries from now, the civilizations of the future will gradually emerge.”

Dear fellow American, we better start voting for representatives that understand what our civilization faces. We better come up with solutions.  And, having traveled around the planet,  I can tell you this:  the more we overpopulate America via immigration, the harder and faster we’re headed into the abyss.

Because this is a Constitutional Republic, it’s up to you to start writing, speaking, voting and taking action for your children. The year 2050 is less than 25 years away.

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