By Frosty Wooldridge
“Can you think of any problem in any area of human endeavor on any scale, from microscopic to global, whose long-term solution is in any demonstrable way aided, assisted, or advanced by further increases of population, locally, nationally, or globally?” Dr. Albert Bartlett, University of Colorado
Let’s look at the realities throughout America’s civilization. A 747 jet plane limits its passenger number to exactly 416. Not one more person will be allowed onto that plane. A restaurant shows a limit of 110 people because that’s its maximum seating. A pool limits its swimmers to 80 to make sure its lifeguards can safely watch them. A high school, college and pro football team can only field 11 players on one side for the entire game. A basketball team features only five players per side. More than five players on each side would result in total chaos.
In other words, everything in modern civilization demands, carries and mandates limits on the number of people who can participate.
Today, in America, our leaders force us into a nightmarish future with unlimited population growth caused by horrific legal and illegal immigration.
As a young teacher in my twenties, I traveled all over the planet on my bicycle. I enjoyed extraordinary countries, cultures and languages on six continents. Call it my age of innocence! While I did participate in Earth Day 1970 on Michigan State University’s campus, I didn’t possess a clue as to what was going in the world.
That all changed in 1984 when I reached China. They had topped 1.0 billion people, now 1.4 billion. As I made my way from Hong Kong to Beijing and the Great Wall of China, I witnessed Chinese people packed, stacked and compressed into every corner of every piece of land in that overpopulated nightmare of a civilization. It was so bad, that, in 1979, they forced couples into 1.0 child per woman. Even with that draconian birth control, because of SO many women, their “population momentum” brought them to 1.41 billion by 2025.
China’s air, water, and soil suffered incredible pollution. Their rivers ran like sewage conveyor belts to the ocean. At the mouths of their major rivers, 20,000 square mile dead zones prevailed. Most vertebrate marine life could not survive the chemicals and sewage spewed into the oceans 24/7. That’s still true in 2025.
Today, China cannot feed its people. It must import food from all over the world. It’s commandeering land and food from Africa and South America. China owns over 350,000 acres of American farmland. Air pollution is a nightmare. People wear masks to filter out the soot to breathe in its cities. China features millions of cars on 50 lane highways, one way. If you think I’m kidding, just look it up on YouTube where you will see if it for yourself.
In other words, they’ve overpopulated themselves into an unsustainable civilization where “quality of life” spirals into the toilet. If they go to an ocean beach or a lake, people overrun and overwhelm everything.
The same thing escalates in India, Indochina, Japan, Brazil and more as the human race continues growing at 83,000,000 new babies, net gain, annually. In the past two years, humans topped 8.0 billion, but we aren’t stopping there! We will hit 9.0 billion within another 12-14 years. And then, 10.0 billion. In other words, we humans aren’t slowing down…at least third world humans aren’t stopping.
Do you notice our country filling up with Indians, South Americans, Central Americans and Chinese who are “chain-migrating” from their countries? Do you understand that the line of immigrants never ends.
Right now, the Biden administration invited somewhere around 15 to 20 million illegal aliens into America in the past four years. We also allowed another 4.0 million legal immigrants. That’s 24 million people. They are expected to birth at least another 24 million people if they only have two children per couple. That’s 12 million couples at 2.0 kids per couple—-that equals 24 million more kids.
In 2025, U.S. demographers show somewhere around 340 million Americans, with another 20 to 30 million more illegal alien migrants. We’re growing at around 4.0 million, net gain, annually.
In 1970, via birth control, American women have averaged 2.03 children per woman. We would have leveled off at 250 million people. Our cities wouldn’t suffer gridlock. Our standard of living would have remained high. Our quality of life would have remained the envy of the world. Instead, because of mass immigration, we exploded from 190 million in 1965 to over 340 million people in 2025, not counting the 20 to 30 million illegal aliens.
Today, our cities have become impossible to sustain. Our schools are turning out functionally illiterate students. Our Mississippi River features a 10,000 mile square “dead zone” in the Gulf of America. Our air pollution poisons all our cities and everyone breathing in them 24/7. Acid rain contaminates our soils. Those 84,000 chemicals and pharmaceuticals poison water, land and air.
In other words, we follow in the footsteps of China, India, Mexico, Japan and the rest.
Worse than that, you hear every kind of cry about stopping “Global Climate Change.” But you won’t hear a single stinking word about what causes it: human overpopulation. It’s like we’re brain dead or in denial or, we’re just too damned stupid change to save ourselves.
Fact: demographers project that America will jump from 340 million to 440 million by 2050, give or take a decade. But we’re also projected to accelerate to 675 million before the century is out. One look at the graph will show you our plight.
So, what do you want to do about what’s going to happen to your children? Do you have any solutions? What would you like to see happen? Do you feel we can force our president and Congress to take rational action to move us toward a sustainable future and a sustainable civilization?
What’s my solution? Simple: let’s take a 10 year pause on all legal and illegal immigration. Let’s examine how we want our civilization to survive.
Second solution: “Ingress equals Egress Solution”. If 50,000 people leave America annually, we can allow 50,000 into our country. They must be educated, speak English and bring a viable desire to work with a viable skill to benefit our society. Stop all welfare to immigrants.
One way or the other, we must create a stable and sustainable civilization. Because if we don’t, Mother Nature WILL take us down via global warming, water shortages that cannot be solved, conflict over resources, animal extinction rates, horrible quality of life, energy exhaustion, resource exhaustion, racial conflicts, and another dozen consequences ranging from our oceans being saturated with plastics to chemicals destroying our viability as a species.
“Pressures resulting from unrestrained population growth put demands on the Natural World that can overwhelm any efforts to achieve a sustainable future. If we are to halt the destruction of our environment, we must accept limits to growth.” World Scientists’ warning to humanity, signed by 1,600 senior scientists from 70 countries, including 102 Nobel Prize laureates.