Our Team

Madison Forum members come from every political party, all walks of life, and all economic ranges. We are men, women, young, and old. We are businessmen, elected officials, single mothers, authors, attorneys, and community activists. This wide range of people are brought together by one common thread – we are committed to bringing the government back into the hands of the voter and keeping centered on our government being of, for, and by the people.

President and Founder

Michael Opitz

Michael Opitz, Madison Forum Founder & CEO

Greetings, my name is Michael Opitz, and I am privileged to be President of the Madison Forum, Inc. Our objective is to promote good government based on conservative principles with a foundation of facts and truth. We are a non-partisan organization and open to Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

We invite elected representatives and other notables at Federal, State, and Local levels to speak to us on a variety of topics. We are respectful of each speaker. Madison Forum members are encouraged to ask thoughtful, probing,  intelligent questions that lead to discovery. We extend an open invitation to everyone who shares our objectives. We come together because we strongly believe that we need to move beyond political parties and rhetoric that is all too often only self-serving.

America is in the middle of a grave crisis on multiple fronts, and we cannot solve all problems, but we can often frame the problem and work toward solutions if we keep an open mind, and … spin is not accepted. That is one of the principles that keep our discussions with the speakers at an interesting level. Our meetings are filled thought and discussion and also with a passion. We encourage everyone to participate, and typically no one leaves early.

We are not a single-issue organization, because problems and good government are many faceted. Problems and solutions are interlaced in complex ways, so we encourage broad-based thinking that can be drilled to tier three logic. However, as Shakespeare once said, “brevity is the soul of wit.” Often complex problems have simple solutions, but the skill is in understanding the complexities. Then comes the courage of implementing the solution in a way that actually works.

Our Committee Chairs are respected and highly knowledgeable in their field of interest. Please review their bios and writings, and as we grow so will our depth and quality of postings. Over the next few months we will be adding functionality and content to our web site. We want it to be an interesting and informative place to visit, and we look forward to your input.

Please join us at our Breakfast and Luncheon meetings. Lots of interesting people looking for better government and not just an audience for another political speech.

Michael Opitz
Madison Forum

Dedicated to good governance