Both creationists and scientists agree – the climate has changed over the history of planet Earth. The Bible describes a time when it rained forty days and forty nights leading to a flood. Noah built an ark packed with animals to survive. Scientists describe times when the planet was completely frozen at one time being Snowball Earth with … Read more...
The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement is moving into its third month across the country. While the original goals of the group may have had a bit of merit, their tactics and stubborn refusal to work with those they attack and to seek real solutions exhibits their true colors, anarchy and destruction.
Last year, Georgians elected justices on the Georgia Supreme Court andjudges on the Georgia Court of Appeals. Next year, Georgians willlikely elect three justices on the Georgia Supreme Court and more on theGeorgia Court of Appeals.
During the last two weeks, one of those courts gave Georgians a freshand important reminder of just how much Georgia courts can affect thelives of Georgians – especially some of … Read more...
Okay, it is that time of year again. On Saturday, November 26, 2011, the Georgia Bulldogs will line up to take on the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets in Bobby Dodd Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia. It is truly one of the best rivalries in America. In anticipation of that game, here are a few observations from a bulldog.
Now, what can really be said about folks devoted … Read more...
Tired of all the political rhetoric yet? Many are, including me, but this vetting process is an important part of choosing our elected leaders, especially the president of the United States. Only the Lord’s way is a better way. This process still has a year to go before the November 2012 election, which likely will be the most important election Americans will ever vote … Read more...
The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held each year on November 11th at Arlington National Cemetery. The ceremony commences precisely at 11:00 a.m. with a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns and continues inside the Memorial Amphitheater with a parade of colors by veterans’ organizations and remarks from dignitaries. … Read more...
Obama and his administration are waging a war against the laws of physics. The war will be lost, you know. But it will be We, the people and our country who will be the losers while Obama will ride off into the sunset with a lucrative income-for-life courtesy of us “losers.”
B’gosh and b’gorrah! No one can accuse us of being sore losers!
It is inevitable that an activist so-called …
Governments of the kind that we have today in this nation are an unfunny, terminally sick joke! Does anyone really believe that the purchasing power that our federal government has stolen from our descendants will ever be repaid?
Governments have the power to take and make use of some part of the worth that is being produced by the economically productive members of the nation’s society, current … Read more...
The monthly unemployment numbers came out from the DOL this week. They were summarized in the media as a drop from 9.1 to 9.0. Many people reacted with surprise as such a drop was counter-intuitive, especially when the reported jobs-created was 80,000 – somewhere between a third and a half of what’s needed to reduce unemployment.
I’m happy to report that the confusion was simply government book-cooking, … Read more...
So, here are the two dates to mark on the calendar: November 23, 2011 (the day before Thanksgiving) and December 23, 2011 (two days before Christmas). What makes these dates special?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 is the deadline for the so-called Congressional ‘super-committee’ (actually named the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction) to issue its recommendations for at least $1.5 trillion in federal deficit reductions over … Read more...
So you thought Congress had driven a stake through Acorn’ s heart? They probably missed because it’s heart is way to the left of where you’d expect. This monster seems to be hard to kill.
The good news is that the monster hasn’t gotten any smarter. Fox reporters walked in an interviewed the conspirators in their “New York Communities for Change” office about their funding … Read more...