Our friends in theRepublican Women of Cherokee County have noted some recent actions which have led them to begin legal action against the White House.
First, an end-run around the Congress who rejected the “Dream Act”
The past weeks have made it clear that there’s a lot of folks in our country who don’t understand that the liberal give-away is over. The time that Maggie Thatcher foretold when she said “The trouble with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money” has come.
I’m not referring to those who are simply in denial. I’m talking about people who … Read more...
Well, Charlie Rangel thinks Congress looks like a ‘bunch of clowns’ for not raising taxes. I got a news flash, or two, for you Charlie. First, yes, many in Congress do look like clowns for their complete lack of understanding of economics. Second, they’ve been looking like clowns for decades. Oh, and by the way, there’s several in the Executive Branch wearing fright wigs, rubber noses and … Read more...
Well, it happened. Just as the warnings foretold. When will there be some sign of adult behavior in Washington? During the debt cap discussions, the rating companies wrote to the President, the Senate and the House and pointed out that just raising the debt cap would not prevent a rating downgrade. Think about it! Would you see it as positive if your dead-beat neighbor bragged to you … Read more...
About 4 trillion dollars of additional debt was added to the amount of debt owed by The Treasury during the 8 years of the George W. Bush Presidency.More than another 4 trillion have been added during the two years of the Obama “presidency”.There is an important factor that makes a big difference in those two 4 trillion dollar amounts.
One of our many problems is that we must have the gumption, the will and the courage to do something constructive about the immediate situation in order to make constructive changes to the longer term trajectory. There is no way to cause that to be a painless proposition. When aggregate expectations are at, say, 10, but the aggregate national capability set that is needed to meet and satisfy the expectations … Read more...
This past week has produced demagoguery and asinine statements which will echo down the centuries. However, for all its entertainment value, the conversation has resembled an ER team arguing about what color sutures to use in closing bleeding self-inflicted gashes. It all reminds me of a joke my nurse mother told about a patient who said to the doctor “Doc, it hurts when I do that.” To … Read more...
The recession was pronounced “over” in June 2009 – two years ago – and we still have no real recovery and millions of people out of work. What’s going on? A series of charts from Market Watch gives some of the picture [read].
Well, mostly what’s happening is that the historical engine of job growth – start-up business – is sputtering, dragged down by the … Read more...
I want to refer you to a well written, upbeat-but-not-rose-colored-glasses piece in todays WSJ “The Future Still Belongs to America“. I want to highlight one paragraph which is, I believe, is key to the conclusion
New ideas disturb the peace of once-stable cultures. Young people grasp the possibilities of change and revolt at the conservatism of their elders. Sacred taboos and ancient hierarchies totter; women … Read more...
This week was interesting! We had sort of a replay of how we got where we are – circling the drain, that is. We are running out of runway on the debt ceiling and on the general subject of getting spending under control.
First, we got the news that the housing crash has past the losses of the Great Depression [read]. The underlying causes of … Read more...