All posts by TMF Admin

Change By The Voters

By Randy Evans – In 2006, American voters sent a very clear message to Washington, D.C. Americans wanted change – change from a pattern of corruption in the House of Representatives; change from failed strategies in Iraq; change from political bickering that prevented solutions from becoming reality; and change from the cultural drift from the core values that made America great.

Change is what Americans wanted in 2006; and change … Read more...

God Help This Court!

By Randy Evans – It is difficult to determine which is more shocking – the United States Supreme Court’s decision to shield child rapists from the death penalty or its rationale for unilaterally amending the United States Constitution to do so.

In Kennedy v. Louisiana, as described by Justice Alito in his dissent, the Supreme Court held that “the Eighth Amendment categorically prohibits the imposition of the death penalty for … Read more...

Candidates for Lieutenant Governor

By Randy Evans – All indications are the Lieutenant Governor, Casey Cagle, will be a candidate for Governor of Georgia in 2010. Governor Sonny Perdue is term limited, opening the door for Lieutenant Governor Cagle, Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, and others to seek Georgia’s highest office. With the rumors persisting that former Governor Roy Barnes is interested in getting his old job back, it could actually be a competitive race. … Read more...

The Enemy Granted U.S. Constitutional Protection

By Randy Evans – CNN accurately reported the impact of the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Boumediene v. Bush on June 12, 2008 when it said: “The decision marks another legal blow to the Bush administration’s war on terrorism policies.” It is a blow to the war on terror.

The Boumediene decision involved whether terrorist aliens held at Guantanamo who have been designated as enemy combatants after being captured … Read more...