Category Archives: Congress

What Every American Should Know about the Trump Impeachment Inquiry

The Madison Forum was pleased to have Garland Favorito, founder of and Madison Forum Member, as Guest Speaker at our Breakfast Meeting Saturday, December 28th at the “Come-N-Get It” Family Restaurant.  

Garland spoke about: “What Every American Should Know about the Trump Impeachment Inquiry.”


Restoring Constitutional Government

Richard Arena

Serious students of the Constitution know that the federal government is operating well beyond the bounds of the powers the states delegated to it. Those who defend this extra-constitutional power expansion argue that the Founders could not have envisioned the complexities and advanced technologies of the 21st century and therefore the need for corresponding additional federal powers.

In fact the Framers did anticipate the need to modify … Read more...

The Cost of “Free”

By Les Dunaway

If any of you needed more motivation to work hard on electing solid fiscal conservatives in 2014 & 2016, here’s some numbers.

Writing on, Tyler Durden, “Entitlement America And The High Cost Of “Free”” lays out the statistics and the human cost of the entitlement society.

 The political allure of free is so strong that an alarming number of people choose to become wards of the Read more...

“A little rebellion”

By Les Dunaway

Our elected representatives have, lately (and way past time) been criticized for writing laws that both did not and could not address the problem for which they were written and, at the same time, created yet more problems.

I am altogether confident that part of the problem is that of our representatives being less competent at fulfilling the duties of their office than at convincing their constituents … Read more...

A Opportunity To Excel

By: Les Dunaway

Have you ever seen a child, when they just really didn’t want to hear what you were telling them, put their fingers in their ears, shut their eyes and go “Na na na na….”? I expect we all have. It’s somewhere between cute and annoying when done by a child. In my family, growing up I could not have done that without consequences; my sister could have. … Read more...

The Crash of 2008 and Why We’re Still In It!

By: Les Dunaway

Today’s excellent Forbes article “Tim Geithner Covers for Corruption On Pennsylvania Avenue” by Charles Kadlec inspired me to dig into my pile of “Why the Crash?” writings. Mr Kradlec does an excellent job of summarizing the various crimes that led to the crash, so what I’ve collected here is, mostly, for detail and a clearer look at the perpetrators.

The top line summary of the …

What Kind of Government Do We Really Have?

By Tom Kiser

Governments of the kind that we have today in this nation are an unfunny, terminally sick joke! Does anyone really believe that the purchasing power that our federal government has stolen from our descendants will ever be repaid?

Governments have the power to take and make use of some part of the worth that is being produced by the economically productive members of the nation’s society, current … Read more...

Unwashed, but useful idiots – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations have brought up a subject that needs more scrutiny.  A member of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, who dissented from the report, summarizes what happened in the Oct 12th Wall Street Journal.

Judging from the squealing from the left, below, he struck a nerve. Take a look a these videos, in light of what we know now, and see if … Read more...

‘a bunch of clowns’ – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

Well, Charlie Rangel thinks Congress looks like a ‘bunch of clowns’ for not raising taxes. I got a news flash, or two, for you Charlie. First, yes, many in Congress do look like clowns for their complete lack of understanding of economics. Second, they’ve been looking like clowns for decades. Oh, and by the way, there’s several in the Executive Branch wearing fright wigs, rubber noses and … Read more...

Politics At Its Worst – And Best


By Donald S. Conkey

How did the United States Congress ever allow the government of the United States to reach a point where a financial crisis could seriously jeopardize America’s financial creditability if the debt limit is not raised by August 2, 2011? This current scenario is politics at its worst – and at its best.

Politics at its worst because the politicians have allowed this crisis to happen … Read more...


By Tom Kiser

It appears that the time may have come for We, the People, to have a nationwide Irish Wake. “Our” federal government has detached from the rest of the nation and in so doing is no longer in touch with its reason for being and thus has likely already committed suicide.

The reason that the rank and file members of the public sector unions won’t except that their … Read more...