This week’s column is a commentary, with references, on the “chalk talk” that Paul Ryan (R-WI) Chairman House Budget Committee has been presenting to House Republicans to reach a clear understanding of the crisis our country faces. The presentation does not propose solutions, it is only intended to reach understanding of the problem. Below is the description of the sessions from Politico – Mar 6, 2011, pasted … Read more...
World markets took a hit today with Moody’s downgrade of Spain’s credit rating. This cut followed similar cuts of Greece (on Monday “to B1 from Ba1 with a negative outlook”) and Turkey(last May). The “negative outlook” comment means “we think it will go down more”.
The usual comments came from came from the people responsible for the problems in Greece, … Read more...
The States may save the nation! Or rather, the tough, courageous governors these States have elected may save the nation. Chris Christi, Scott Walker and John Kasich are stepping up to deal with the can that’s been kicked down the road for far too long. Public employee unions have extorted dues from their involuntary members and used those dollars to purchase for-sale legislators. Legislators who expected to … Read more...
Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past weeks, you’re aware of events across the world involving massive crowds of people – one of whom has toppled the 30+ year dictatorship of Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarakin Egypt.
What you may not know is as Paul Harvey said “The rest of the story”. These people in the streets are, largely, young and represent a global problem … Read more...
We’ve heard a lot, the past weeks, about budget “cuts”. Those of us who can do basic arithmetic have noticed that mostly the “cuts” are, at best, decreases in increase and, at worst, a bald-faced lie. The good news is that a number of credible sources have done the analysis to show that real cuts can be made and will improve government as well.
This is a special edition of Just The Numbers, Mam to address a current issue – America’s economic freedom.
Since 1995, the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation have published the annual “Index of Economic Freedom”. If you aren’t familiar with it, a short explanation is here.
In the 2011 Index, America fell to ninth place – right below Denmark, Ireland and Canada. … Read more...
In last week’s column we talked about how countries go broke, using some of the European Union countries as examples – Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain – known in the financial world as the PIIGS and how those countries may destroy the European Union.
This week we’ll talk about how similar behavior and results (whooda thunk it?) has brought several of our states … Read more...
So…..What would happen if all of the balances that are currently being carried in all of the federal government’s so-called “trust” funds were written down to balances of zero?
This is Vol 1 Issue 1 of a weekly discussion intended to lead to better understanding of financial issues facing our country.
I will, each week, take some issue from the current/recent news and discuss the issue itself and how it impacts our country and our way of life. I hope that there will be an ongoing discussion through comments to my posts.
By Tom Kiser
Something to always keep in mind: All of a nation’s governments must stand on the shoulders of the working people whose efforts and energy is keeping the nation’s economy operating and producing whatever prosperity that a nation may have: Working people whose feet are on … Read more...