In a recent podcast, a man I highly respect, Victor Davis Hanson, said, “D.E.I., Woke, and the Green New Deal are like a social hydrogen bomb hitting America. These new terms being practiced are de-civilizing California into a third world country. If other states follow California, they will end up in the same boat.”
The fires that destroyed California were preventable! But Governor Gavin “Nero” Newsom, LA … Read more...
The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 passed in the U. S. House and Senate this week.
After fighting this bill for almost a year, activists are wondering how it passed with overwhelming bi-partisan support.
Democrats call it a civil rights victory. Republicans claim that it returns authority to the states and ends federal control through waivers. No Child Left Behind wasn’t working; the … Read more...
The U.S. Senate Education Committee met with House members and approved a compromise version of the Every Student Succeeds Act last week. They plan a full vote on the bill shortly after Thanksgiving. The “Sense of Congress” as expressed in the House version, flies in the face of the 10th Amendment. Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution lists the enumerated powers of … Read more...
E Pluribus Unum, on U.S. coins is Latin for “out of many, one.” Part of America’s national identity has been connected to the use of one language. Immigrants from many lands and language groups have assimilated into the United States. Learning English has been a large part of that process. New education legislation, passed in 2015, requires schools to test certain students in other languages, … Read more...
Let’s start with the basics in several educational disciplines. First let’s look at Civics. The separation of church and state is not found in the U.S. Constitution. It is, however, found in the Constitution of the former Soviet Union. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has publicly lobbied the point that because the U.S. is part of the world community; they (members of the Supreme Court) must … Read more...
Tribune columnist Roger Hines’ recent column regarding the teaching of evolution as fact, not theory piqued my interest. Why, I ask, do two highly professional groups, the scientific and the religious communities, continue at logger-heads over this issue. While the “law of evolution” is real, we all see it in operation daily, there is no connection between the ‘proven law of evolution’ and ‘the prominent theory’ … Read more...
Angelia Bean is the Acting Chair of the South Atlanta Tea Party of Fayette County, Board Member of the Fayette County Republican Party, and Madison Forum Advisory Board Member. Ms. Bean’s presentation is on the Common Core education program whose goal is to nationalize our local education system, and how Georgia’s schools will be affected by the implementation of Common Core.