Dr. Corsi breaks down a voter roll algorithm found in the Secretary of State’s voter roll database by Dr. Andrew Paquette. Dr. Paquette’s analysis reveals enough potential cloned records in Georgia’s current database to justify the use of an ID number indexing algorithm. His estimate is that Georgia’s voter database includes roughly half a million “clone” records.”
Dr. Corsi received his Ph.D. from Harvard University’s Department of Government in 1972. … Read more...
A few nights ago, Joe Biden gave his farewell speech to the nation. In it, he whined about America being taken over by rich oligarchs. He blamed “red states” for making mistakes with their economies. He gave a litany of his accomplishments from his teleprompter. His ashen face, his frail body and his dementia-plagued mind did not shine through to the dozen or so Americans watching the … Read more...
Pre-November 5th, while interviewing on the crackpot TV program, “The View”, candidate Kamala Harris found herself with the best question ever asked during her run for the presidency.
“If you had the last four years to do over, what would you do differently?” asked one of the hosts.
Kamala answered, “Nothing comes to mind.” THAT response became one of the biggest reasons the American people voted Trump … Read more...
The Madison Forum was very pleased to have Garland Favorito, Co-founder of VoterGA, speak at our monthly luncheon meeting on Saturday, May 28, 2022 at the “Semper FI Bar & Grille in Woodstock, GA.
Garland provided an update on restoring Georgia election integrity, the Fulton County ballot inspection lawsuit, the May 24th Georgia Primary elections, and the … Read more...
The facts say that this is the least safe, least secure and least honest election that we have ever seen in Georgia. Here are the facts that every Georgia voter needs to know.
A US District Court found, on October 11, 2020, that the Dominion voting system used in the November 2020 election is unverifiable to the voter and
Merry Christmas to all from VoterGA. We hope you enjoy our Christmas gift to you, a humorous way to reach Georgians about the seriousness of our election problems.
(Left to Right) Michael Opitz of Madison Forum, Garland Favorito of VoterGa and Dean Kelley of The Georgia Transparency Coalition
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Dean Kelley, Executive Director of The Georgia Transparency Coalition recently held a round table discussion of the latest findings and happenings on election integrity in Georgia. … Read more...
The Madison Forum was pleased to have Garland Favorito, Madison Forum Member, as Guest Speaker at the Madison Forum Luncheon Meeting, Saturday, September 25th at “Semper FI Bar & Grill, 9770 Main Street (Canton RD), Woodstock, GA. (Special thanks to Ted Metz and Ty Towriss for audio/video collaboration.)
Favorito spoke to a packed room on “Restoring Georgia Election Integrity” and provided an update of the Fulton … Read more...
The Madison Forum was very pleased to have Michael Scupin, Madison Forum Member, as the Guest Speaker at the Madison Forum Luncheon Meeting, Saturday, July 31st at the “Semper FI Bar & Grill (http://www.semperfibarandgrille.com).
As a Petitioner involved in the Fulton County GA lawsuit surrounding the 2020 election ballots, Scupin shared much information about the people, process, and machines involved in the 2020 General Election.
The Madison Forum was pleased to have Attorney Brad Carver, Madison Forum Member, speak at the monthly luncheon meeting, Saturday, April 24th at the “Semper FI Bar & Grill, 9770 Main Street (Canton RD), Woodstock, GA.
Brad spoke about “The Georgia GOP State Election Task Force and GA SB 202: The Georgia Election Integrity Act of 2021.”
Brad Carver is a Partner at HALL BOOTH SMITH, P.C, … Read more...
Welcome Patriots. Thank you for joining this first ever Election Transparency Podcast-a-thon coming to you live from Atlanta, Georgia.
On April 19, 1775, the Shot Heard Round the World was fired during the battles of Concord and Lexington as America began its successful struggle to gain Independence from British rule. That struggle became known as the Revolutionary War. Tonight, exactly 245 years later, we are launching a new revolution … Read more...
Garland Favorito, Founder of VoterGA, spoke to the Madison Forum on Saturday, February 29 about the costs and vulnerabilities of Georgia’s new voting machines. With issues such as hacking vulnerabilities, ballot secrecy, limited and uncertain audit capabilities; this issue is of great concern to many Georgia voters. The 2020 elections will be pivotal not only to the future of Cobb County, but also to the future of the United States … Read more...