Category Archives: Elections

After the primary, what’s ahead in the runoff election?

By: Randy Evans

As the primary election results in Georgia came in on May 20, Republicans in Washington, D.C., heaved a collective sigh of relief.

As they watched Georgia’s Republican primary election in progress, they were haunted by flashbacks of lost opportunities in the past when weaker challengers defeated stronger potential Republican nominees only to then lose to Democrats in the general election.

But, the consensus seems to be that …

Black Americans must become independent voters

Black Americans must become independent voters. Shelley Wynter discusses why the path to liberty and prosperity for Black Americans will require them to open their minds and step away from traditional party loyalties. He asks us to face the fact that history has proven we must learn to vote with our heads instead of our hearts.

A stunningly refreshing dissertation that most would shrink from speaking. Must viewing for all … Read more...

Actual presidential election yet to happen

By: Randy Evans

Most voters think they have already elected the president and vice president back on Nov. 6 — General Election Day. But, the truth be told, voters actually only elected presidential electors.
Each state has the total number of their congressional delegation (both U.S. House and Senate) as electors. (The District of Columbia has three electors.) For Georgia, this means 16 electors — 14 (reflecting the total number … Read more...

Republicans need to calm down

By Randy Evans

Yes, the re-election of President Barack Obama is the end of a contentious 2012 election cycle. No, it is not the end of the Republican Party. Republicans need to just calm down.

Yes, voters let President Obama keep the keys to the White House, but they did not give him the checkbook. The place where all spending must start (the U.S. House of Representatives) remains in Republican … Read more...

‘Beware, Danger Ahead’ signs were clear

by Donald S. Conkey

Apparently, according to the polling results, most of the 70 plus million Americans who watched the presidential debate last week saw what I saw: the reality of the unmistakable stark contrast between two men – Mitt Romney and Barack Obama – who want to be president of these United States. What I saw was that one man, Mitt Romney, came prepared to debate the real issues … Read more...

Judicial Elections Decided on Qualifying Day

By: J. Randolph Evans

Qualifying for public office in Georgia has come and gone. As a result, the field of candidates has now been set, with the choices for Georgia’s voters locked in.

The old adage is that more elections are decided on qualifying day than election day. That statement has never been more true than in Georgia’s 2012 judicial elections. Certainly, by any measure, the pattern of judicial elections … Read more...

Gingrich’s Long Run To Change America

By: J. Randolph Evans

Last Wednesday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich officially suspended his campaign for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. It was definitely a wild ride with lots of twists and turns.

Somehow, it is appropriate that the end of this chapter comes during the week of the Kentucky Derby. Working as a Senior Adviser to Speaker Gingrich during the Presidential race was a little … Read more...