Category Archives: Founding Fathers

January Madison Forum Meeting

For this meeting, Madison Forum President, Michael Opitz, leads off the meeting with some historical and Constitutional contextual analysis and scholarly opinions on the meaning of “Birth Right Citizenship, followed by Gary Pernice with some insightful history on Greenland, and then VoterGA’s co-founder, Garland Favorite updates us on the status and direction of the Dominion Voting System as nation-wide abandonment appears imminent.


Restoring Constitutional Government

Richard Arena

Serious students of the Constitution know that the federal government is operating well beyond the bounds of the powers the states delegated to it. Those who defend this extra-constitutional power expansion argue that the Founders could not have envisioned the complexities and advanced technologies of the 21st century and therefore the need for corresponding additional federal powers.

In fact the Framers did anticipate the need to modify … Read more...

Checking Federal Power Abuse

Richard Arena

The Tea Party movement began when the silent majority finally found its voice (and feet) in 2009.  Millions of Americans across the width and breadth of the county marched to their town squares, state capitols and the Washington Mall to tell their elected representatives they had had enough of government exercising powers beyond the bounds of the Constitution.

How the federal government came to exercise powers prohibited … Read more...

Constitutional Presidential Qualfications – Difference Between “Natural Born Citizen” And “Citizen”

Larry Laibson

The Constitution addresses and differentiates between “natural born Citizen” and “Citizen” with the requirements different for President/Vice President and for Congressional Members.
Will the debate on the requirement of “natural born citizen” for the position of President come up again in the 2016 race? It should, due to specific Constitutional questions on several of the potential candidates.

The unique requirement for “natural born citizen” was specifically added … Read more...

In Re: A Loss of Private Virtue – Authority Fills Every Void

By M.G. Anderson

Will Liberty remain with a nation without virtue among its people? No, answered the Patriots who founded our nation. When asked his opinion on our new constitutional government Ben Franklin cautioned “It is A Republic … If you can keep it.”

When reading the words of the other Colonial Patriots one asks “How did they define virtue?” In their day they drew from commonly familiar Biblical accounts … Read more...

Veterans Day Every Day

By: J. Randolph Evans

The United States Department of Veterans Affairs says this on its website (at

The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held each year on November 11th at Arlington National Cemetery. The ceremony commences precisely at 11:00 a.m. with a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns and continues inside the Memorial Amphitheater with a parade of colors by veterans’ organizations and remarks from dignitaries. Read more...

Is America on ‘The Road to Serfdom?’


By Don Coakley

Last week my column extolled the beauty of our Eagle Watch community and how that beauty brings solace to one’s mind and soul. I suppose we all wish life’s problems could be resolved so simply; by looking out over the fairway of a golf course into a distant mountain range. But we also know life’s challenges cannot be solved so easily. After all life is Read more...

A ROUGH week – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

Well, it’s been a rough week! With every indication of more rough times to come.

The economy continues to sputter and 1Q11 was worse that we thought [read]

There’s lots of punditry about what the debt ceiling impasse will mean:

  • Debt ceiling: Will I get my Social Security check? [read]
  • What Will Happen If Debt Ceiling Is Not Raised And The US Defaults?

Happy 4th of July – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

I want to refer you to a well written, upbeat-but-not-rose-colored-glasses piece in todays WSJ “The Future Still Belongs to America“.  I want to highlight one paragraph which is, I believe, is key to the conclusion

New ideas disturb the peace of once-stable cultures. Young people grasp the possibilities of change and revolt at the conservatism of their elders. Sacred taboos and ancient hierarchies totter; women Read more...

The Faith of Our Founding Fathers…in us.

Much has been written over time about the personal faith of our Founding Fathers, their belief that the hand of Divine Providence was guiding the creation of this nation for a higher purpose.

What is less discussed is the faith they had in the people of this great and emerging nation, people who were looked upon as “common” and “rustic” by their European counterparts, but through hard work, sacrifice and … Read more...

My Tribute to Georgia Washington

By Donald S. Conkey

Last week I paid my tribute to Abraham Lincoln, America’s 16th president. Today I will pay tribute to Georgia Washington, America’s 1st president – and whose 279th birthday anniversary will be next Tuesday, February 22. He was born in 1732 in Virginia.

The accolades I could use for George Washington are far too many for my limited space so I will reflect only on the … Read more...