Fact: Mixing one culture into another never works. Mixing multiple cultures into other cultures doesn’t work. Diversity doesn’t work. Mixing religions never works. Mixing tribes never works. Mixing “world views” fails on every level. Mixing languages in one country leads to linguistic chaos in that country.
In the first quarter of the 21st century—Europe, Canada and America participate in a racial-linguistic-cultural-tribal experiment that has proven horribly … Read more...
Are you as mystified or exasperated as to the irrationalities going on in America and around the world? Does any of it make sense? How do you wrap your arms around the wars, rocketing to Mars when millions are starving on Earth, and men injecting themselves into women’s sports? How do you watch $200 billion being shipped off 9,000 miles away to Ukraine to fight a war … Read more...
Whether you’re a liberal, conservative, independent, or, you just don’t participate—you cannot help but appreciate that the last four years under the previous dementia-led administration brought America a whole bunch of craziness, absurdities and lunacy.
I mean, come on! The president of the United States and Congress allowed, invited, and engineered the entry of over 12 million unvetted, illegal and totally unqualified refugees to storm our borders. … Read more...
Part 1: What you see is what will kill you. Becoming an obese society.
Last week, a 495 pound Detroit, Michigan woman made national news because her Lyft driver could not carry her because he said his car couldn’t take the weight and his tires wouldn’t survive. She brought a lawsuit against him this week.
One look at that woman would bring to mind severe diabetes, a … Read more...
For this meeting, Madison Forum President, Michael Opitz, leads off the meeting with some historical and Constitutional contextual analysis and scholarly opinions on the meaning of “Birth Right Citizenship, followed by Gary Pernice with some insightful history on Greenland, and then VoterGA’s co-founder, Garland Favorite updates us on the status and direction of the Dominion Voting System as nation-wide abandonment appears imminent.
“To clean up the mess Biden made, Trump has to clean up the mess that ‘made’ Biden.” Mark Alexander
For the past four years, January 20, 2021 to January 20, 2025, the American people have been lied to, cheated out of their taxpayer dollars, swindled out of their citizenship and roundly besieged with lies from Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, … Read more...
Are you angry about what’s happening to our country? I am livid! I could just spit at this president and Congress. Every day we click on the television, yet another tragedy visits endless Americans. It’s beyond comprehension.
Some nut job Muslim ISIS terrorist killed 15 and wounded 30 by driving his truck down Bourbon Street, New Orleans at high speed. He carried I.E.D.’s along with a reported … Read more...
At some point in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God.
After a lifetime of living on the public taxpayer’s dole, sniffing little girls’ hair, inappropriately groping women, and not wanting his children to attend integrated schools because he didn’t want his children in the “jungle of inner-city education,” Joe … Read more...
Pre-November 5th, while interviewing on the crackpot TV program, “The View”, candidate Kamala Harris found herself with the best question ever asked during her run for the presidency.
“If you had the last four years to do over, what would you do differently?” asked one of the hosts.
Kamala answered, “Nothing comes to mind.” THAT response became one of the biggest reasons the American people voted Trump … Read more...
It has never been difficult for me to call it as I see it. I can hardly recall a time such as this past week, where a spotlightneeds to be shined on an issue near and dear to me. We are well aware of what comes to mind when we hear the words4H, we think of the impressive work … Read more...
00:01 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing is a familiar HUD term. But on July 16, 2015, AFH became the basis for a new rule, adding severe strings to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grants. These new stipulations will shake the very foundations of your community. The people who control land use and zoning laws also control much … Read more...