By Frosty Wooldridge
Answer: a financial nightmare of costing billions if not trillions of dollars to U.S. taxpayers, murders of our citizens, rapes of our innocent women, billions-trillions in cash transfers out of our country, gangs taking up residence in our major cities, MS-13 plying its deadly drugs to our youth, shoplifting gangs, millions of homeless costing us billions of dollars, degradation of our cities with bums injecting meth syringes … Read more...
By: Randy Evans
The ink is barely dry on legislation to help plug a hole in the state’s Medicaid funding formula and state officials are already scrambling to find a way to fill another $390 million pending shortfall in the health-care program for 1.7 million low-income residents.
By: Les Dunaway
For the past year or more, I’ve been struggling with the fact that many people believe that social programs can be expanded without limit because taxes can be raised, without limit, to support them. The question I keep asking myself and everyone who’ll talk about it is “How can we help these people to understand that simple arithmetic demonstrates the fallacy of their belief?”
By: Les Dunaway
Have you ever seen a child, when they just really didn’t want to hear what you were telling them, put their fingers in their ears, shut their eyes and go “Na na na na….”? I expect we all have. It’s somewhere between cute and annoying when done by a child. In my family, growing up I could not have done that without consequences; my sister could have. … Read more...
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