Category Archives: Government

The Green Dragon Tavern Still Lives!

The Green Dragon Tavern Still Lives
by Paul Nally

G’day, Lads and Lassies,

Ye Sons and Daughters of Liberty, take heart! The Green Dragon Tavern still lives!

Patience and planning are the watchwords. As Congressman Davey Crockett once said, “Be sure you’re right … then go ahead!”

This long train of abuses by these three branches of this government have now countenanced intolerable acts of Despotism, fostered

Impeachment: Then & Now

Part 1: Impeachment

Attorney and former Congressman Bob Barr, Madison Forum Member, was the Guest Speaker at our Breakfast Meeting, Saturday, January 25, 2020.

Bob spoke to a packed room about: “Impeachment!” Bob has a first hand perspective on the “Impeachment” process and behind the scenes knowledge as a GOP “Impeachment Manager” during the Impeachment of former President Bill Clinton and the Senate trial.

Part 2: Impeachment Q&A Session


Is Our System of Government Cracking?

The Madison Forum was pleased to have Attorney and former  Congressman Bob Barr, Madison Forum Member, speak at the February breakfast meeting. The topic of Bob’s speech was “Is Our System of Government Cracking Under the Strain (Emergency Powers, Rogue Law Enforcement, the Rise of Socialists, and the 25th Amendment).”

Bob’s vast experience including his time working for the CIA, U.S. Congress, Federal Prosecution, as well as teaching … Read more...

M L King’s Birthday Holiday

by Donald S. Conkey

Monday is a national holiday created to remember the life and death of Dr. Martin Luther King. King’s life changed America and his assassination in 1968 stirred America as America had not been stirred since the Civil War, a war that was suppose to remove the shackles of slavery in America. Breaking slavery’s back required wise men, compromise, a new constitution, a Civil War, and the … Read more...

Christmas –a reminder of Christ’s gifts to mankind

by Donald S. Conkey

For those who believe in the birth of Jesus Christ and in his life, ministry, death and resurrection from the grave to break the bonds of death, Christmas is more than just another holiday; it is a day to remember the birth of God’s only begotten Son, He who was born to set us free. Said He: “To this end was I born, and for this … Read more...

Dr. Melvyn Fein – the Shared Five Values

Dr. Melvyn Fein, Professor of Sociology at Kennesaw State University discusses five values most Americans share under the heading of “Morality”. This is the presentation he made to the Madison Forum on March 30, 2013. The five values are: “Honesty”, “Responsibility”, “Fairness”, “Family” and “Liberty”. The presentation is split into two parts:


Is America being Romanized today?


by Donald S. Conkey

Today, as America struggles to return to those principles of freedom that made it a beacon of hope to the world, I see disturbing similarities between today’s America and ancient Rome that causes me to ask: “Is America being Romanized?” Why would I even ponder just a question? Because all students of history, especially of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire realizes Read more...

I Am Conflicted

By Lamar Cheatham

The current battle for a successful continued resolution has presented the Tea Party with a wonderful opportunity to exercise its mandate to create major reductions in our Federal Budget. A strong point has been made and it has everyone’s attention. I am a firm believer in elimination and then streamlining of the extraordinary and superfluous spending. With continued resolutions this contentious there are created problems.