Category Archives: Politics

Egypt: History Repeating Itself

By J. Randolph Evans – Column No. 1054 ( 2/4/11)

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Unfortunately, that appears inevitably true as the world watches the unraveling of order in Egypt.  So far, President Barack Obama has done little better than President Jimmy Carter did over thirty years ago.  If the pattern repeats, the security of the United States will be irreparably harmed in … Read more...

Can you believe?

By Donald S. Conkey – “Can you believe …” is the punch line for a popular TV commercial used to grab the attention of older women. But today I have borrowed this line to reflect on a Cherokee Tribune editorial and corresponding cartoon published a week ago today. The editorial was titled “Cuba – Socialism failing there, so why not raise rabbits.” The cartoon shows an older badly beat up … Read more...

Obama Versus The Tea Party – Column No. 1029

By J. Randolph Evans – The dynamics of the 2010 General Election has everyone guessing about exactly what will happen on November 2, 2010. No one seriously doubts that Republicans will make some gains during the first midterm elections following the election of President Barack Obama. In part, history plays some role here.

Typically, the party out of power in the White House picks up seats in Congress in midterm … Read more...

The shifting sands of government

By Donald S. Conkey – As I observe the concerns over personal freedom and liberty continue to grow nationwide, because of the ‘shifting sands’ of government, at all levels, a biblical parable came to mind. This parable, found in Matthew 7, tells about the “foolish man, which built his house upon the [shifting] sand; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that … Read more...

The Surge II: Pick Palin

By Sherri Reese – Protecting the future of America and her citizens took only one bold move. Pick a girl, right? Wrong. Pick a conservative who is unafraid of the “country club” political machine. Pick someone who is not an Ivy League elitist who has learned to play along to get along. Pick a person who faced every challenge by taking the higher, not because it was easy, but because … Read more...

Change By The Voters

By Randy Evans – In 2006, American voters sent a very clear message to Washington, D.C. Americans wanted change – change from a pattern of corruption in the House of Representatives; change from failed strategies in Iraq; change from political bickering that prevented solutions from becoming reality; and change from the cultural drift from the core values that made America great.

Change is what Americans wanted in 2006; and change … Read more...