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March Madness, Moses, and Self Government

NOTE: To review past issues of Observation go on line to – DSC


By Donald S. Conkey

I, like many Americans, have been caught up in the frenzy of college basketball’s March Madness march to the Final Four playoffs. But while watching the North Carolina – Washington game one play caused me to recall Jethro’s counsel to Moses anciently and how that counsel applies to self government, as … Read more...

‘by the voice of the people’

By Donald S. Conkey

Recently, while watching the political process (democracy) play out in Wisconsin, my mind recalled the words of an ancient king who was in the process of turning his kingdom over to a government ruled ‘by the voice of the people.’

This king’s words pertinent to what is happening in Wisconsin, and to a lesser extent here in Georgia and even here in Cherokee County read: … Read more...

Anyone Home?

By John Douglas

Surveying the world situation at this writing, the attacks on Libya are continuing while Japan lurches from telling us that its nuclear power plants are being brought under control to telling us there are new or growing problems. In the Middle East, neighboring countries have sent troops into Bahrain (home of the US 5th Fleet) to save that government from its own people, the US budget deficit … Read more...

Japan’s Disaster Recalls Memories From Long Ago

NOTE: This Observation Column was published March 17 in the Cherokee Tribune and I received two call that day from ex-service men who were serving in Japan at the same time, one on my base at Matsushima, Japan.

By Donald S. Conkey

Anyone watching the aftermath of the 9.0 earthquake, followed by many lesser earthquakes, and the 33 foot high tsunami that hit northern Japan last week had to … Read more...

IT – it boggles my aged mind

By Donald S. Conkey

Apparently I was born in the wrong generation because I find it hard to comprehend and fully use the internet technology (IT) available today. Yes, I have a computer, and yes, I use the internet, but when my computer goes down, as they all do, I have to turn to a younger generation to restore my computer.
My difficulties today with today’s IT technology, I … Read more...

“Government Cost Reduction” Letter

Madison Forum
Advocating Constitutional Government
Michael S. Opitz, President
March 7, 2011

US House of Representatives:
Congressman Phil Gingrey
Congressman Tom Price

US Senate:
Senator Saxby Chambliss
Senator Johnny Isakson
Senator Rand Paul

Re: Government Cost Reduction

The Madison Forum convened its monthly breakfast meeting on Saturday, February 26, 2011 in Marietta, Georgia. Forty people were in attendance.

The primary topic on our agenda was “Government Cost Reduction”. During … Read more...

Baker v. Obama

By J. Randolph Evans

What is the difference between former Georgia Attorney General Thurbert
Baker and President Barack Obama? This is not a trick question. The
answer actually signals a troublesome trend for democracy in America.

Both men were elected to perform very important jobs in the scheme of a
representative democracy. After all, democracies depend on faithful
public servants to fully perform their jobs to the best of their… Read more...