Category Archives: Voting

Jerome Corsi Presents Facts

Dr. Corsi breaks down a voter roll algorithm found in the Secretary of State’s voter roll database by Dr. Andrew Paquette. Dr. Paquette’s analysis reveals enough potential cloned records in Georgia’s current database to justify the use of an ID number indexing algorithm. His estimate is that Georgia’s voter database includes roughly half a million “clone” records.”

Dr. Corsi received his Ph.D. from Harvard University’s Department of Government in 1972. … Read more...

January Madison Forum Meeting

For this meeting, Madison Forum President, Michael Opitz, leads off the meeting with some historical and Constitutional contextual analysis and scholarly opinions on the meaning of “Birth Right Citizenship, followed by Gary Pernice with some insightful history on Greenland, and then VoterGA’s co-founder, Garland Favorite updates us on the status and direction of the Dominion Voting System as nation-wide abandonment appears imminent.


Garland Favorito Update on Fulton County Ballot Inspection Lawsuit

Click here to view this video on the Madison Forum Rumble channel.

The Madison Forum was very pleased to have Garland Favorito, Co-founder of VoterGA, speak at our monthly luncheon meeting on Saturday, May 28, 2022 at the “Semper FI Bar & Grille in Woodstock, GA.

Garland provided an update on restoring Georgia election integrity, the Fulton County ballot inspection lawsuit, the May 24th Georgia Primary elections, and the … Read more...

Georgia Ballot – Don’t Vote Until You Know This

Angela Bean, of the Madison Forum and  Restore & Preserve the Constitution, spoke to the Madison Forum on Monday, October 10, 2016. She discussed the four amendments on the November ballot that will change our Georgia Constitution and the importance of knowing what you are voting for when casting your vote:

  •  Amendment 1 Opportunity School Districts
  •  Amendment 2 The Safe Harbor for Sexually Exploited Children Fund
  •  Amendment 3 Judicial Qualification

Would a National Popular Vote be better?

Pat Rosenthiel, of Ainsley Shea, spoke to the Madison Forum at the Monday luncheon regarding the state-based plan for electing the president by national popular vote. Rosenthiel refreshed everyone on how the electoral college works today and describes how the National Popular Vote would work if enacted by the Georgia legislature.

As described in the book, Every Equal Vote: A State-based Plan for Electing the President by National Popular VoteRead more...

Not Iowa, but Cleveland as the First GOP Primary


Randy Evans

Officially, the first contest for the 2016 presidential campaign will be the Iowa caucuses currently scheduled for February 2016 to be followed by New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina.  Yet for Republicans, the reality of the 2016 nomination process is that the first contest will actually occur in early August 2015.

In August 2015, FOX will host the first RNC-sanctioned debate in Cleveland, Ohio. It will be … Read more...

Black Americans must become independent voters

Black Americans must become independent voters. Shelley Wynter discusses why the path to liberty and prosperity for Black Americans will require them to open their minds and step away from traditional party loyalties. He asks us to face the fact that history has proven we must learn to vote with our heads instead of our hearts.

A stunningly refreshing dissertation that most would shrink from speaking. Must viewing for all … Read more...