Change we can believe in? Not me.

By John Douglas

Until now, historians generally consider our 15th President, James Buchanan to have been the worst President in American history. While in office from 1857-1861, he sat by and did nothing to halt the oncoming War Between the States and the sectional crisis that was tearing the nation apart. Fortunately for America, Buchanan chose not to run for reelection and went home, making way for Abraham Lincoln.

That was then, this is now. Barack Obama who is clearly the worst President since Buchanan has every intention of running for reelection. I believe five reasons highlight his failures and these are not just short term actions on his part, but part of a systematic plan to fundamentally alter the course of this country forever:

1. President Obama has put the United States so far in debt, mostly to China, it is hard to see how we can ever recover. His uncontrolled spending, flagrant disregard for any sort of financial restraint and complete ignorance of the importance of the dollar to a stable world economy have all put this country’s financial existence in jeopardy and hastened the day, currently four years hence when China will overtake America as the world’s largest economy.

2. President Obama does not believe in private enterprise or capitalism. When the Federal government began buying private companies, banks, automobile makers, etc., it signaled that the European style socialist economic model was what it favored over the free market. The current level of technology in the world is a direct result of the American free market and the genius that it unleashes.

3. For 200 years, American medicine has been the envy of the world and led the way in research, development and life saving discoveries. That has now been stopped dead in its tracks as the Obama administration has nationalized medicine in America. We are on a course that will soon see bureaucrats who have no clue as to what they are doing make life and death decisions on who gets care and who does not. If you are old or unborn, watch out!

4. Since World War 1, the US military has been unsurpassed in its effectiveness, ability to project American power and achieve foreign policy goals. The young men and women serving have been the best and brightest we have to offer and have performed magnificently. Now our uniformed services are seen as nothing more than a left wing social laboratory. Implementation of open homosexuality, commissions insisting that only those who “look right” get promoted, women in the close confines of submarines and a proposal that all combat jobs including Infantry be open to females are coming from those who have hated the military for 50 years but now find themselves in control of it. The 60s radicals at the Defense Department have no interest in an effective military, just one that suits their political agenda.

5. In foreign policy, any country that has been our friend and ally now does so at their own peril. Israel is abandoned and on its own. Britain has been insulted by Obama more times than I have space for here, starting with the return of the Churchill bust that has been part of the Oval Office for decades. Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak found out what American friendship was worth, Poland and the Czech Republic who were depending on the American missile shield have just a shadow of what was promised and we are being led around by the French in the Libyan fiasco. When America retreats, the world explodes and you need not look any further than the middle east.

None of these five are accidents, the result of miscalculations or missteps. They are deliberate courses of action taken by the Obama administration to radically and fundamentally alter our country. There are more but these are my top five. The only way to reverse course and save our country is to take a public stand, become involved and make a difference. We better hope God will bless our country once again because we sure need His help.

Former State Senator John Douglas lives with his family in Newton County and can be reached at or on his Facebook page.

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