By Frosty Wooldridge
At some point in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God.
After a lifetime of living on the public taxpayer’s dole, sniffing little girls’ hair, inappropriately groping women, and not wanting his children to attend integrated schools because he didn’t want his children in the “jungle of inner-city education,” Joe Biden’s Karma returned with a vengeance in the past week.
After this entire year of telling reporters that he would not pardon his son Hunter Biden who is a perverted, drug addicted son—-old Joe didn’t pardon him for one act of crime, but 10 years and 11 months of crimes. Joe Biden will have to pardon his brother Jim, too, because the “Biden Family Crime Syndicate” stands eyeball deep in defrauding the American people.
Whether it was the Burisma Oil Company in Ukraine paying Hunter Biden millions because of his father’s influence to do nothing, or blackmailing kingpins in the Middle East to pay his family millions because his father was “The Big Guy” calling the shots, we’re talking a lifetime of fraudulent behavior that make Al Capone and the Corleone family of the “Godfather” blush.
In Bill O’Reilly’s latest book, Confronting the Presidents, Washington to Biden, he dissects our 46 presidents from Washington to Biden. O’Reilly ranked Washington and Lincoln at the top. He ranked Biden second worst president in U.S. history. O’Reilly chronicled the facts of Biden’s four years in office. He showed how Biden’s incompetence engineered an invasion of America’s southern border at an incredible 15 to as high as 21 million illegal aliens from 180 plus countries. Biden opened our doors to the largest invasion of any single country in the history of the world. Biden invited terrorists, rapists, mentally ill, career criminals, drug cartels, killers, and gangs.
One of his dumbest acts must be his support of biological men competing unfairly against women in all sports. He ruined countless women’s athletic lives.
As to open borders, those drug gangs he let loose on our borders killed 250,000 American youth. Those rapists raped and killed American women without mercy. Think Laken Riley at the University of Georgia. Think of all the drunk illegal drivers who killed pedestrians and American citizens in their cars. Think of the next terrorist attack that you know will kill more Americans. That’s all on Biden and his sidekick Kamala.
Think of the $150 billion, we, the American taxpayers paid out annually for the past four years, to house, feed and educate those 21 million illegal aliens. Even the people of Chicago’s sanctuary city cried out about paying $500 million for illegals. New York City sinks into financial crisis because of its sanctuary city that cares for 756,000 illegal aliens.
Joe Biden put illegal aliens first and American citizens, LAST! He put every victim of Hurricane Helene and Milton into tents and trailers while he put every illegal alien up at plush facilities like the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC, and top hotels in Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, Miami, San Francisco, and Seattle. The backlash hit all of them on November 5th, 2024.
The British philosopher Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
That quote holds true with Vladimir Putin in Russia, Kim Jung Ung in North Korea, Che-Ping in China, Madura in Columbia, and list runs the gamut as to Mussolini, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, et al.
Even with our incredible U.S. Constitution, Joe Biden has been a corrupt politician for five decades plus. It’s almost incredible what he has pulled off. All for money!
But what remains astounding about all this scenario stems from the fact that everyone, i.e., his wife, his brothers, his friends, his cabinet, Kamala, the mainstream press, “knew” that Joe Biden suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease four years ago. And, now, it’s full blown. And yet, the quest for power, especially Jill Biden’s quest for power, would not let her reveal that her husband suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease. So, she forced him to run for a second term. Let’s face it, the man is a walking cadaver. He doesn’t know what day it is or what direction to walk. His calling card is to stick out his hand to shake the air. The fact remains: after January 21, 2025, doctors will reveal that he’s suffered from dementia for the past five years or longer. Oh, what a surprise!
Never mind his sordid past sniffing little girls’ hair or groping women at social events, or just plain lying so much that he doesn’t know the truth from his lies. He can’t keep up with how to cover them. With Joe’s dementia in full swing, Kamala will go down in history as an accomplice to presidential malfeasance.
In the end, the TRUTH will transcend all the lies.
Thankfully, as the famous Will Rogers said, “This Constitution; good men can’t make it better; and bad men can’t make it worse. It will meander down through time to protect the average man/woman in America.”
As for this journalist, I watched the invasion at our southern border for the last 24 years. My book, Immigration’s Unarmed Invasion: Deadly Consequences, published in 2004 described exactly what’s happening today. The “Eight Ways to Destroy America” in that book makes for sobering reading. It should have become a New York Times bestseller. It should have carried me onto 60 Minutes, Meet the Press, Face the Nation, NPR’s Terry Gross, PBS, Diane Sawyer, Lester Holt, and every talk show in America. Instead, all of them ignored it.
Those 15 million plus illegals and their birthrates are going to cost America greater consequences in the coming years. In fact, all immigration will drive us toward adding 100 million more people, net gain, by 2050, that cannot be sustained. We face a “Faustian Bargain” with a “Hobson’s Choice” ending. The drugs will cost tens of thousands of kids their lives in the coming years. The terrorists yet to unleash their horrors on us will take American lives. Busting up our American culture will be much like the devastation of Katrina, Helene and Milton combined.
In the end, we might all feel sorry for Joe Biden. The greed, the lies, the perversions, the incompetence, and worst of all his Alzheimer’s Disease. There’s nothing crueller than Alzheimer’s to end one’s life.
Bill O’Reilly placed Joe Biden at second to the bottom of the worst presidents in U.S. history. Biden’s legacy cost all of us.