This past week, the 18th Annual Index of Economic Freedom was published. It shows that our country has slipped to 10th in this critical ranking. The 15th Index published in January of 2009 ranked the US at 6th. So, in the three years since, we’ve dropped 4 places.
If you haven’t been following this Index, I suggest you watch the short video at … Read more...
Democrats (and the mainstream media) have taken some glee from the ongoing contentious contest for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination. Indeed, they sound like Republicans last time celebrating the extended 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination battle between then Senator Hillary Clinton (the presumptive nominee who wasn’t) and Senator Barack Obama (the eventual nominee and now President). Democratic insiders and institutional party operatives remained convinced that Senator Clinton … Read more...
Today, with the Spirit of Christmas amongst us, and while Christians prepare to celebrate the birth of the Christ child, God’s greatest gift to all mankind, let us celebrate another gift of God, America’s precious Bill of Rights. They were ratified 220 years ago today. This Christmas season, as we ponder the birth of Christ; let us also ponder his gift of freedom to … Read more...
In Nov 2011 I wrote about the DOL jobs report and discussed how those numbers had been cooked to make the job situation look better. Well, as has been said “You ain’t seen nothin yet”. We can expect bogus numbers month by month leading up to November.
Last weeks report has an even more tenuous relation to reality. First, let’s talk about what … Read more...
The 2012 GOP Presidential campaigns now move through to New Hampshire on their way to South Carolina. It is a race that started with an enormous potential field of candidates that included Governor Mike Huckabee, Governor Sarah Palin, New York businessman Donald Trump, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, businessman Herman Cain, and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.
During most of 2011, as the 2012 presidential primary race gathered steam by both the republicans and President Obama, the American public, those who didn’t tune out, heard an ever growing divisive political rhetoric from the several candidates who would like to become America’s next president. This presidential vetting process is a useful process that is designed to bring out both the positive and … Read more...
The 2011 session of the Georgia General Assembly was “Year 1.” Now, that can mean different things to different people. For example, for Governor Nathan Deal, it was “Year 1” of 4.
Year 1 for a new administration is filled with both opportunity and limitation.
In Year 1, a new administration gets a fresh start, beginning with a brief honeymoon period. So, a new governor presumably … Read more...
Thankfully, the war in Iraq has come to an end. Thankfully, America’s troops have come home from Iraq for Christmas. Yet, many more continue to serve in Afghanistan and other dangerous places around the world. No one can thank these young women and men enough for their dedicated service to our country.Yet, the two most underused words in the world are “thank you.” So often, … Read more...
Ever wonder how judges get to be judges in Georgia?
Well, in Georgia, there are two ways to get to be a judge. First, get elected. Second, get appointed.
Getting elected is pretty straightforward. Georgia elects its judges. Anyone who meets the legal requirements for being a judge can qualify with the Georgia Secretary of State during the qualifying period and appear on the ballot. It … Read more...
On Wed, the 14th, Reuters published an excellent summary of the situation in Italy. From my reading, you can apply the same lessons to Greece, Portugal, Spain, France and (possibly) England.
When I read it, I got chills because all that’s required for it to describe our country, in a few years, is to change some names. We are not as far … Read more...
The announcement by major world banks that they’ll funnel money to European banks is the latest step in the saga of “Let’s borrow more money so we can keep spending”. Only, this time it’s “Let’s print money we don’t have and loan it to people who won’t pay it back at cheap rates so they can keep spending.” [read] [read… Read more...
How many of the last two generations remember, or even care that yesterday was the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the day America entered World War II, a war that caused the destruction of 50 million people. Eighty years before that, in 1861, America’s Civil War began with the shelling of Fort Sumter in South Carolina.