Economic Illiteracy – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

During the budget debate last December, during the lead-up the the debt-ceiling debate, … I’ve listened to statements made by various politicians, pundits and some real people. I’ve concluded that there really are people who believe that we can just raise taxes to support any desired level of spending. When they are asked about the example of Spain, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, … they respond “Well, that’s Europe; … Read more...

Educational Issues Can Cause Political Fire Storms

By Donald S. Conkey

Educational issues cause political controversy – always have and always will. Some educational issues, like the current school board Ed-SPLOSH renewal issue, can even lead to political fire storms. But this current issue is only a candle compared to the school board issue that was created in the late 1990s.

During the 1990s Cherokee County was in the middle of its transformation from being primarily … Read more...

Georgia Political News Coverage

By J. Randolph Evans

As the 2012 elections approach, voters are starting to pay attention.
Everyone agrees that cable news and the internet (including Twitter and
Facebook) have changed the world – especially the way voters get their
information. Both cable news and the internet give them what they want
when they want it. Yet, local media coverage remains an influential
part of the voter decision-making process.

Every Georgia officeholder, …

Access the Madison Forum on the Go

The Madison Forum is pleased to announce the addition of the Madison Forum’s mobile website, optimized for your smart phone. There is nothing else you need to do, just point your smart phone web browser to and the software  will automatically  take you to the mobile website.

On the mobile site, you can still read and comment on the great articles posted on, access meeting details and “Like” … Read more...

Is the rule of law gone?

By Les Dunaway

Our friends in the Republican Women of Cherokee County have noted some recent actions which have led them to begin legal action against the White House.

First, an end-run around the Congress who rejected the “Dream Act”

Second, White House spends $2.2M on buses for a three day trip


Remembering the Other Great Compromise’ of 1787

By Donald S. Conkey

Will the great congressional compromise of 2011, over the national debt ceiling, soon be forgotten? Maybe! And maybe not! What happens following this ‘great compromise’ will depend on how the parties to the compromise honor their commitments or if either party, or both, reneges on their commitments. History tells us that the actions of congressional leaders have not always been ‘trustworthy.’ No wonder Americans have … Read more...

Women In Politics – the Double Standard

By J. Randolph Evans

Even WSB talk show host Erick Erickson could not resist. What was the topic? GOP Presidential candidate Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann eating a corndog at the Iowa State Fair!

What did this have to do with joblessness, taxes, spending, the federal deficit, or the war in Afghanistan? Nothing. Yet, the photograph of Congresswoman Bachmann eating a corndog made the rounds over the internet, cable news and talk … Read more...

Can you explain it? – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

The past weeks have made it clear that there’s a lot of folks in our country who don’t understand that the liberal give-away is over. The time that Maggie Thatcher foretold when she said “The trouble with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money” has come.

I’m not referring to those who are simply in denial. I’m talking about people who … Read more...

Accept blame: Don’t Point Finger at Tea Party

By Donald S. Conkey

When the New York Stock Exchange opened on Monday stocks began to plunge. This was due to the credit downgrade America received on Friday – and the economic chaos in Europe. Then Washington’s favorite game, the blame game, began in earnest on Monday morning. Not wanting to accept the blame themselves those in power have, not surprisingly, blamed the Tea Party Movement for their own … Read more...

Just A Community Organizer

By J. Randolph Evans

In politics, it is called the ‘gel’ moment. It happens when thousands
of little dots floating around in American voters’ minds all connect to
create an image. In political terms, a ‘brand’ gets locked in and can
be almost unshakable.

For former Democratic Presidential nominee Michael Dukakis, it was a
picture of him sitting in an army tank with an over-sized helmet. For
President George Bush, …

‘a bunch of clowns’ – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

Well, Charlie Rangel thinks Congress looks like a ‘bunch of clowns’ for not raising taxes. I got a news flash, or two, for you Charlie. First, yes, many in Congress do look like clowns for their complete lack of understanding of economics. Second, they’ve been looking like clowns for decades. Oh, and by the way, there’s several in the Executive Branch wearing fright wigs, rubber noses and … Read more...

Embarrassed Again! – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

Well, it happened. Just as the warnings foretold. When will there be some sign of adult behavior in Washington? During the debt cap discussions, the rating companies wrote to the President, the Senate and the House and pointed out that just raising the debt cap would not prevent a rating downgrade. Think about it! Would you see it as positive if your dead-beat neighbor bragged to you … Read more...

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