People are hurting across this country in a very real way. Many are
using their savings accounts or retirement accounts to just get by.
Others live from credit card payment to credit card payment to make ends
meet. For some, it has gotten so desperate, that they see no hope.
At an apartment complex in Canton, Georgia, a father killed his wife and
two year old …
It appears that the time may have come for We, the People, to have a nationwide Irish Wake. “Our” federal government has detached from the rest of the nation and in so doing is no longer in touch with its reason for being and thus has likely already committed suicide.
The reason that the rank and file members of the public sector unions won’t except that their … Read more...
Over the next 60-90 days, one very important issue will be front and center on the international stage. That issue is what should constitute the State of Israel’s borders. As the only proven democracy in the Middle East, and one of America’s most reliable allies, Israel’s future could not be more important to long term world peace.
The changing international dynamics are due in large part … Read more...
On Monday, July 4th, America will celebrate the 235th anniversary of the signing of America’s Declaration of Independence, a document that literally changed the world. It broke the shackles of tyranny that then governed the world.
On July 4, 1776 America’s Founding Fathers planted America’s ‘Tree of Liberty,’ a tree that soon took root in the fertile hearts of the patriots of that day. That … Read more...
I want to refer you to a well written, upbeat-but-not-rose-colored-glasses piece in todays WSJ “The Future Still Belongs to America“. I want to highlight one paragraph which is, I believe, is key to the conclusion
New ideas disturb the peace of once-stable cultures. Young people grasp the possibilities of change and revolt at the conservatism of their elders. Sacred taboos and ancient hierarchies totter; women … Read more...
On June 24, 2011, the United States and the International Energy Association announced plans to sell approximately 60 million barrels of oil from emergency reserves. About half (30 million barrels) will come from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. When combined with additional production and supplies on the open market, the release should further drive down gas prices providing consumers some much needed relief.
Until recent years, traditional marriage, the marriage of one man and one woman sanctioned by both church and state, has been the foundation of all civilized societies from the day God created Adam and then created Eve to be Adam’s help-meet – one in purpose – and together “multiply and replenish the earth.” (Genesis 1-3)
Historically all nations that have trampled underfoot God’s laws regarding … Read more...
This week was interesting! We had sort of a replay of how we got where we are – circling the drain, that is. We are running out of runway on the debt ceiling and on the general subject of getting spending under control.
First, we got the news that the housing crash has past the losses of the Great Depression [read]. The underlying causes of … Read more...
WOW! What a novel idea! Maybe not! The second Congress of the United States in the year 1787 passed a law called the Northwest Ordinance. Its purpose was to establish guide lines for accepting new states into the growing United States of America. One of its stated objectives required any applying territory to become a state had to agree to establish a school system
The America-Israeli connection: a love of democracy and freedom by the peoples of both nations. Israel’s Prime Minister’s, Benjamin Netanyahu, speech before a joint session of congress and his follow up interview with on the Shawn Hannity program was perhaps the most refreshing defense of freedom and liberty I have watched in recent years. I was watching a man who knew what he believed … Read more...
On Thursday, June 16, 2011, Congressman Anthony Weiner announced his resignation from the United States House. Headline writers, late night comedians and cable news anchors were greatly disappointed. Their ticket to double-meaning words and phrases and tawdry humor has come to an end. Oddly, he finally did something that both Democrats and Republicans agreed with.
For 365 days a year, Georgia is Braves country when it comes to
baseball. Yes, there is occasional passing interest in collegiate
baseball, especially when either the Georgia Bulldogs or the Georgia
Tech Yellow Jackets make it to the College World Series.
In some part, this devotion is the product of years, indeed decades, of
daily doses of Braves baseball. Ted Turner started it all with … Read more...