Four stories were in the news this week. At first glance, three were financial, our normal subject area, and the other was about character and morality. However, upon reflection – which I had plenty of time for as I had a badly scattered series of appointments – all four are about what happens when voters fail to heed the the admonition which titles this article “Know your … Read more...
The America-Israeli connection: a love of democracy and freedom by the peoples of both nations. Israel’s Prime Minister’s, Benjamin Netanyahu, speech before a joint session of congress and his follow up interview with on the Shawn Hannity program was perhaps the most refreshing defense of freedom and liberty I have watched in recent years. I was watching a man who knew what he believed in … Read more...
There are three dates that every Presidential candidate has circled on
the calendar. Individually, none are ‘make or break’ days alone.
Collectively, these three dates will separate the ‘wannabes’ from the
‘real’ candidates heading into the nomination marathon that begins in
Iowa, moves to New Hampshire, and dashes toward South Carolina.
June 13, 2011 is the date for the first GOP Presidential debate in which
virtually …
Folks, I can’t really add anything to the awesome job done here by the Heritage Foundation. Please help those handicapped by government schools to understand these pictures.
Monday is Memorial Day 2011 – a national holiday to honor those men and women who gave or were willing to give their lives to defend the freedoms all Americans cherish.
While the vast majority of all Americans hope that those veterans who have died in establishing and preserving America’s freedoms for nearly 240 years have not died in vain there is a small … Read more...
2010 was a watershed election in Georgia politics. Republicans swept
every state constitutional office and took firm control of the Georgia
Senate and House.
2012 will be a watershed election in Georgia for a completely different
reason. While the Presidential election will certainly impose a healthy
level of partisanship in the November General Election, the 2012
nonpartisan judicial elections will also be big.
The economy will be THE underlying issue in politics for the foreseeable future. America has, finally, woken-up to the fact that spending money we don’t have must stop. Now the conversation is turning to how do we dig out of the hole the tax & spenders have gotten us into. To answer that question, we must look at what’s likely and/or possible for the next 20 years. … Read more...
Graduation, whether it be from high school, from a technical college or university is always a family event worth celebrating – especially for the graduate. It is an accomplishment worth celebrating. And my family is no different – we will be celebrating the graduation of two grandchildren, grandson Cody Barnett from high school in Gainesville Georgia and granddaughter Erin Shaw from Brigham Young University in … Read more...
On May 16, 2011, the Georgia Supreme Court by a 4-3 margin struck down
as unconstitutional the law that allows a state commission to supplement
local schools with charter schools. For students in charter schools –
like the Ivy Prep School, an all girls school that ‘provides rigorous,
college preparatory program for young women’ (68% African-American and
40% from low income families), the court’s decision dampens … Read more...
Was the killing of Osama bin Laden a coup or was it a diversion. Perhaps it was both! It was a coup from the standpoint of him being on a presidential “hit list” for over ten years, but it was also a diversion to divert attention away from the ten years America has been spending itself into near bankruptcy. The question now, after the CIA found … Read more...
In today’s Wall Street Journal, Meredith Whitney looks at the state of the states. With the end of stimulus money and the end of QE2 (quantitative easing) just weeks away, this is timely. In January we talked about the states “The States – America’s PIIGS?” in relation the EU countries.