Deficits and Debt 101

By J. Randolph Evans

The recently averted federal government shutdown has increased the focus on the federal budget crisis. Politicians (and talking heads) throw around words like ‘federal deficit’ and ‘federal debt’ as if they were interchangeable. Yet, these words actually mean very different things. In today’s world of spend, spend, spend, understanding these words and their implications has never been more important.

‘Federal Deficit.’ First, and importantly, the federal …

Local Mormons Open Their Atlanta Temple to Public


By Donald S. Conkey

A little over 50 years ago, at age 33, my life changed forever when I entered the waters of baptism and covenanted with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and become one of his disciples.

Baptisms, regardless of one’s personal faith, are considered to be a time for family celebrations – a time to rejoice. But my baptism created just the opposite – it created … Read more...

Lies, dammed lies and the CPI – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

On Tuesday, either the PC-censor was out sick or there’s a new kid who’s not yet trained – either way a piece was published that is worthy of attention

Inflation Actually Near 10% Using Older Measure“.

What “older measure” you might ask. Well, the older measure based on actual arithmetic rather than “Hedonic Adjustments” .

The Bureau of Labor Statistics describes the process … Read more...

I Am Conflicted

By Lamar Cheatham

The current battle for a successful continued resolution has presented the Tea Party with a wonderful opportunity to exercise its mandate to create major reductions in our Federal Budget. A strong point has been made and it has everyone’s attention. I am a firm believer in elimination and then streamlining of the extraordinary and superfluous spending. With continued resolutions this contentious there are created problems.


Behind the Scenes Influential People

By J. Randolph Evans

Everyone knows who Governor Nathan Deal, Lieutenant Governor Casey
Cagle, and Speaker David Ralston are.  In fact, most political insiders
know who Senate President Pro Tempore Tommie Williams, Speaker Pro
Tempore Jan Jones, Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers, and House
Majority Leader Larry O’Neal are. Yet, some of the most influential
Georgians don’t serve as governor or as a member of the leadership of
either political …

Who Are Our Masters?

By Michael S. Opitz

Well, last night we received the news that the Republicans, Democrats, and the President reached a 2011 budget agreement at the 11th hour, but only after many calls to “K Street” for consultation and advice. “K Street” is the inside beltway term for the powerful national and international (global) lobbyists who make big dollar contributions to those who supposedly work for and represent us.

Both parties …

How BIG is America’s Debt? – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

We’ve heard lots about America’s debt in the past weeks – unless you watch the 6 o’clock news, then all you’ve heard about is shootings and wrecks. Some commentators would have you believe that debt is bad. No, debt is not bad. Debt is a business tool. Arguably, the most important business tool. Look around, every thing you see – buildings, roads, hospitals, …. were built … Read more...

They Aren’t Stupid!

By John Douglas

There comes a point in every person’s life where they have to admit the obvious. Even though we may ignore reality, somehow the stark truth shines through even the deepest denials. This is where we find ourselves now when we look at the relationship that clearly exists between domestic Islamic terrorists and members of the Obama administration. reports that on March 6th, 2011, Denis McDonough, the … Read more...

March Madness, Moses, and Self Government

NOTE: To review past issues of Observation go on line to – DSC


By Donald S. Conkey

I, like many Americans, have been caught up in the frenzy of college basketball’s March Madness march to the Final Four playoffs. But while watching the North Carolina – Washington game one play caused me to recall Jethro’s counsel to Moses anciently and how that counsel applies to self government, as … Read more...

Cobb’s Budget Crisis

By Ron Sifen

Wow. That didn’t take long.
* SPLOST proponents scare tactics warn of higher taxes if SPLOST fails.
* March 15 Cobb voters scared into approving SPLOST by 90 vote margin.
* A week later, we learn that Cobb will either have to raise taxes or cut spending on necessities (or a combination of the two).

Yeah, but weren’t there some necessities in the SPLOST? Yes. Cobb DOT … Read more...

Sovereign Fiscal Responsibility – Just The Numbers, Mam

By Les Dunaway

With our non-royalty political structure, the term sovereign is not a household word. It is one with which we need to become familiar. The term refers to governments, as in sovereign debt, sovereign default, sovereign bankruptcy and (less frequently) sovereign fiscal responsibility. The following press release tells of an important scholarly work on understanding this critical set of issues:

WASHINGTON, March 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Today, the

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