Tag Archives: Immigration

“Open America Up To Everyone in the World” Said The Haitian Illegal Migrant

By Frosty Woolridge
The spokesman for the 15,000 Haitians who have invaded Springfield, Ohio, population 58,000, via the Biden-Harris illegal alien invasion policy/presidency, said, “America should be an open country for everybody in the world.”  
Here’s the catch: on Earth Day 1970, the human race on planet Earth stood at 3.5 billion people.  At the time, human overpopulation stood as THE single greatest crisis facing humanity.   Too many humans spelled

Common Sense in America: We Can’t Keep Up with Growth

By Frosty Wooldridge

“Unlimited population growth cannot be sustained; you cannot sustain growth in the rates of consumption of resources. No species can overrun the carrying capacity of a finite land mass. This Law cannot be repealed and is not negotiable.” 

– Dr. Albert Bartlett,  University of Colorado

The container ship crashing into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore offers a cautionary tale concerning America’s future.  What kind … Read more...

Competing Cultures Breaking Down America’s Culture

The governor’s race in Virginia this week proved that you can’t keep bashing America’s basic goodness by pushing the sheer stupidity of Critical Race Theory. You can’t force America’s children into hating each other via the color of their skin. You can’t make the whole Caucasian race guilty for all the conditions of some Black Americans. You cannot teach young people to detest their country if you hope to maintain … Read more...

Sen. Josh McKoon 2016 GA Legislative Update

The Madison Forum was very pleased to have Georgia State Senator Josh McKoon, Madison Forum Member, as the Guest Speaker at the Breakfast Meeting on Saturday, August 29th at the Rib Ranch Restaurant. Sen. McKoon gave his insight on the “2016 Legislative Session” and many other issues that will be of interest to Georgia voters.


English Removed as the Official Language of Instruction and Testing in Taxpayer Funded Schools

Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao

E Pluribus Unum, on U.S. coins is Latin for “out of many, one.” Part of America’s national identity has been connected to the use of one language. Immigrants from many lands and language groups have assimilated into the United States. Learning English has been a large part of that process. New education legislation, passed in 2015, requires schools to test certain students in other languages, … Read more...