Tag Archives: Politics

It’s The Economy, Stupid!

By J. Randolph Evans

People are hurting across this country in a very real way. Many are
using their savings accounts or retirement accounts to just get by.
Others live from credit card payment to credit card payment to make ends
meet. For some, it has gotten so desperate, that they see no hope.

At an apartment complex in Canton, Georgia, a father killed his wife and
two year old …

The Obama Reelection Strategy

By J. Randolph Evans

President Barack Obama has officially launched his campaign for
reelection as President of the United States. His budget for his
campaign is one billion dollars.

So far, Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing about the 2012
election – it will be a referendum on the first term of President Obama.
This is not to say that issues like the deficit, spending, gas prices,
unemployment, and …

Georgia Women Leading Political Parties – Column No. 1044

By J. Randolph Evans – Two women led their respective political parties in Georgia into the 2010 election cycle. They were the chairs of the Georgia Republican Party and the Democratic Party of Georgia. It was the first time this has happened in Georgia history. Next year, both political parties will hold conventions and elect party officials heading into the Presidential elections in 2012. Here is what convention delegates will … Read more...