Tag Archives: Public Policy

What Are Sanctuary Cities REALLY Costing American Citizens?

By Frosty Wooldridge


Answer: a financial nightmare of costing billions if not trillions of dollars to U.S. taxpayers, murders of our citizens, rapes of our innocent women, billions-trillions in cash transfers out of our country, gangs taking up residence in our major cities, MS-13 plying its deadly drugs to our youth, shoplifting gangs, millions of homeless costing us billions of dollars, degradation of our cities with bums injecting meth syringes … Read more...

Sen. Josh McKoon 2016 GA Legislative Update

The Madison Forum was very pleased to have Georgia State Senator Josh McKoon, Madison Forum Member, as the Guest Speaker at the Breakfast Meeting on Saturday, August 29th at the Rib Ranch Restaurant. Sen. McKoon gave his insight on the “2016 Legislative Session” and many other issues that will be of interest to Georgia voters.