The Madison Forum was pleased to have Tim Furnish PhD, Madison Forum Member, as Guest Speaker at our Madison Forum Luncheon Meeting, Saturday, June 26th at the “Semper FI Bar & Grill, 9770 Main Street (Canton RD), Woodstock, GA,.
Dr. Furnish spoke on the topic of “Extremism: Vice or Virtue?: ‘Terrorism’ under the Biden Regime.'” He discussed “extremism” and “terrorism” according to Biden’s new National Strategy for Countering … Read more...
Part 1: The One-Eyed Man is King: Trump’s Policies Toward the Islamic World
Timothy R. Furnish, PhD spoke to the Madison Forum on April 27, 2019. Furnish has his PhD in Islamic, World, and African History. He is a former US Army Arabic Linguist, Civilian Consultant to US Special Operations Command, Author of books on the Middle East and Middle-earth, University Professor, and has appeared on FOX NEWS War Stories: … Read more...
Most of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims—including 2.6 million in the US—are not terrorists. But, even if 99% of Muslims are peaceful, that means 16 million are potentially jihadist (or facilitators thereof), insofar as they take the Qur’an, hadiths, and Muhammad’s example literally.
Neither banning Muslim immigration nor revoking US citizenship is the answer to terrorism that is now both foreign and domestic. Rather, American law enforcement and intelligence should … Read more...